Uuno Turhapuro armeijan leiviss%C3%A4

Uuno Turhapuro armeijan leiviss Uuno Turhapuro in the Army is a 1984 Finnish comedy and the ninth film in the Uuno Turhapuro film series starring VesaMatti Loiri as the title character, Spede Pasanen as the pottymouthed mechanic Hrski Hartikainen, and Simo Salminen as their constant companion Srsselssn. It is to date the highestgrossing Finnish comedy and not too surprisingly the most well known in the Turhapuro series. It remains Finlands most seen domestic film made since 1968 1, however the official statistics by the Finnish Film Foundation began in 1972, so all figures before that are estimates although believed to be true. Thus this film is the most seen domestic film in the years with official statistical records 1972 today, and 7th in the Topof all time.

Source: Wikipedia